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Golden retriever running in the beach

Summer Heat Safety: Tips to Protect Your Pets

As the weather heats up it can pose a risk to our pets. In New Zealand, where the summer months can bring about particularly warm weather, it becomes necessary for pet owners to be proactive in ensuring the wellbeing of their pets. This post contains some tips on summer heat safety for pets, and offers practical advice to help them stay cool, comfortable and healthy during the summer months. 

Understanding the Risks of Heatstroke in Pets: 

Before we go into the tips it's essential to understand the potential dangers that the summer heat can pose to pets. Dogs and cats are susceptible to heat related issues such as heatstroke, dehydration and burned paw pads. Unlike people, pets are a bit limited in their ability to regulate their body temperature through sweating which makes them more vulnerable to overheating. 

Hydration is Key for your Pet: 

Just like us our pets need to stay well hydrated, especially during the hot summer months. Make sure your pets always have access to fresh, clean water. And consider placing multiple water bowls around your home or yard to encourage regular drinking.  

In New Zealand, the sun can be intense so it’s important to be mindful of the water temperature. Leave water bowls in shaded areas to prevent water from becoming too hot for your pets to drink comfortably. You can also add some ice cubes to their water to keep it cool and refreshing. 

Create Shaded Areas and Places to Relax: 

Provide your pets with cool, shaded sports where they can relax and retreat from the heat of the day. Whether it’s a covered porch, a well-ventilated kennel or a strategically placed umbrella in the backyard, these shaded areas offer refuge from the sun and can help keep your pet cool. 

For indoor pets, keep curtains or blinds closed during the hottest part of the day to block out the sun. If possible, use fans or air conditioning to maintain a comfortable temperature inside the house. 

Paw Safety in the Heat: 

Hot pavement and surfaces can cause serious burns to your pet’s paw pads. Before taking your dog for a walk, check the ground temperature by placing the back of your hand on it for a few seconds. If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your pet. 
If possible, schedule walks during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening. Alternatively, choose grassy or shaded paths to protect your pet’s sensitive paws from the heat. 

Regular Grooming in Summer: 

Regular grooming is essential for keeping your pets cool in the summer. While it may be tempting to let your dog’s fur grow for a more natural look, long or thick coats can trap heat and contribute to overheating. Keep your pet’s fur well trimmed for the summer but avoid shaving them completely as their coat provides protection against sunburn. 

Cats are great natural groomers, but a gentle brush can help remove loose fur and prevent matting, promoting better air circulation and keep them cooler for longer. 

Exercise Routine for your pet in Summer: 

Physical activity is crucial for your pet’s wellbeing, but make sure to adjust exercise routines in hot weather. Avoid strenuous activity during the hottest parts of the day and opt for early morning or late evening walks instead. Keep playtime indoors or in shaded areas to prevent your pets from overheating.  
In New Zealand be mindful that the temperature can be intense during summer and to adjust any outdoor activities accordingly. Consider exploring nature trails and beaches with shade to provide a cooler environment for your pets to enjoy. 

Never Leave Pets in Parked Cars:  

One of the most critical summer safety tips for pets is never to leave them in parked cars.  Even with the windows cracked open, temperatures inside a car can skyrocket within minutes, leading to heatstroke and potentially fatal consequences.  

As the summer sun heats up, it’s essential to prioritise the safety and wellbeing of our pets. Following these tips and being aware of signs of distress can make a significant difference in keeping your pets cool, comfortable and healthy. Stay vigilant against any signs of heatstroke, provide proper hydration, create shaded areas and adjust activities so you ensure your pets enjoy a safe and happy summer season. 

Like what you read? Follow and join us on Instagram and Facebook for more information about pet care from our expert veterinary team.      

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