Protect your pet - inside and out. Advocate, a patented combination of Imidacloprid (from Advantage) and Moxidectin, is a break-through in the treatment of parasites in cats. Advocate treats and protects against the major parasites of your pet, inside and out.Â
Key Benefits:Â
- Fast Flea control and Prevention: Imidacloprid spreads rapidly over your pet, killing 98-100% of adult fleas within 12 hours of application. In addition, Imidacloprid controls flea larvae in the pet's environment and reduces the incidence of Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD).Â
- Treatment and protection against Gastrointestinal Worms: Advocate's unsurpassed efficacy against hookworm and roundworms assures protection against environmental contamination and prevents reinfestation of your pet.Â
- Control of ear mites: For the treatment of ear mites, Advocate is highly effective as a single doseÂ
Made Specifically For: Treating fleas, worms and ear mites on cats and kittens over 9 weeks of age. Â